Our Mission

A collective of churches and relationships committed to planting and strengthening churches around the the world.

  • Our message of hope is clear and simple - Jesus Christ, son of God, son of man, is the only true, full and complete hope for humanity. Through his life, death, resurrection, and ascension, we see a pathway for redemption, restoration, and atonement.

  • Our conviction is simple, as the Holy Trinity forms the foundation for all of human co-existence and the garden heard the bellow of the Father declare “it is not good for man to be alone”, so we believe in a sovereign joining of hearts, that has set us on an adventure together.

  • “Every believer is a leader” is our battle cry. Being “in Christ” is to become like him, the most revered leader of all time. Thus, we are enthusiastic to raise a new generation of leaders. This model of leadership is courageous and meek, strong and tender, tenacious as well as creative. It is a leadership that seeks collaboration, transparency, accountability, and clear-minded example.

  • Without apology, the Bible is our sacred text from which we glean all truth; timeless, ancient, yet still relevant today. With tender compassion, we will engage in the many and diverse social agendas, yet remain rooted in the scriptures as they have stood firm over eons of time. They are our foundation for life and doctrine and we will seek to remain steadfast in these truths eternal.

  • Following the model of the sacred text, we seek to plant gospel communities to shine the redemptive light of Christ across the world. Through business or education, medical services or social justice, we plant communities wherever we find 5 families who invite us in or where we have Jesus commissioned people who desire to relocate for such an assignment.

Our Core Values

Gospel Love

Gospel Love: For some this may be to state the obvious yet it was the Father’s primary motivation - “For God so loved the world he sent his Son...” Jn 3:16. Losing their first love was a major injunction against the Ephesian church in Revelation. Love for our God, his sacred text, his bride, and the world is our largest motivation. Any others that may leak in - brand multiplication, personal preference / prejudice, ambition, and self-promotion are the great destroyers of this beautiful gospel. After all isn’t that how Jesus said the world would know - John 17:23 “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me” and as John wrote - 1 John 4:7 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” This is the foundation for the community we build, the transparency and accountability of the life we live...This is how we build family and do life relationally.

Humble Service

Jesus, our servant king, set a path for us to follow. There is beauty in humility, in preferring others, in laying our lives down - Matthew 20:28 “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Crafting a new kingdom lifestyle, especially in our approach to leadership both to the church and to those in the world is a radiant life of another set of values...a redeeming story.

Radical Obedience

This instant obedience is seen so clearly throughout the text. From Peter and Andrew leaving their nets immediately to follow Jesus, (Mark 1:18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him”) to Jesus praying in that great drama of the garden prayers, all the way through to Paul on the road to Damascus and Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch...if and when he speaks, we want to obey radically and fully, no matter what the inconvenience quotient will be. This is very counter-cultural. We believe God speaks uniquely and wonderfully in our time. When Jesus gave us to so-called great commission, he told us to “teach them to obey everything I have commanded you”...Our passion is to hear and obey - immediately.

Gracious Generosity

“Giving is better than receiving” is not a cliche. It is a deep and strong revelation that comes from knowing our God. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son...To know God is to walk a life of faith and grace. Daniel the prophet said Daniel 11:32 “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” We desire to be a movement who are generous in all the biblical ways - be it in time, finances, with our people, with our resources, our affirmation, our encouragement, our kindness, seeking endless opportunities to be sowers, givers and grace dispensers.

Global Multiplication

From the beginning of time, God kindly called humankind to a very simple mission “increase, multiply and fill the earth”. Gen1:28 This mantra sets the stage for marriage, church communities, for businesses, as well as global gospel movements. Abraham modeled that for us from the beginning (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the boys), Jesus clearly crafted that by sending out the 12, then the 72, then the 120, and of course Paul called Timothy to the same multiplication passion (Paul to Timothy, to faithful men, to others also). Obviously this cannot be done by one leader or one church.